Our experienced hospitality business management team, is committed to increasing market share, investment growth, and shareholder value through a sincere focus on the guest experience, continuous evaluation, and property improvement.
Hospitality is not just our business, it is, quite simply, our nature. Each team member from corporate management to the front desk to our support services staff is chosen, not only for their expertise, but for their innate understanding of hospitality as a core character trait and their desire to deliver excellence in all that they do.

Mukund (Mike) Patel
President, Magnolia Hospitality Group LLC
Mike graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in Surat, Gujarat-India. He has been in the hospitality business since 1982, and moved slowly into the hotel franchise and development from 1992.

Mehul Patel
CEO, Magnolia Hospitality Group LLC
Mehul graduated with a degree in Finance and Accounting from Southern Methodist University. He entered full time into the hospitality business in 2006 after 3 years working in the financial industry.

Riad (Ray) Alyatim
Director of Operations
Ray graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management in England. With vast experience in the Hotel industry, Ray has been with Magnolia Hospitality Group LLC since 2006.

Milan Patel
Revenue Manager and SEO
With more than ten years experience in revenue management, Milan has been with Magnolia Hospitality Group LLC since 2014.

Michael Bryan
Michael is the IT Support for all Magnolia properties and Corporate Technology. He has done consulting in the hospitality market since 2003 and has worked with almost every brand. Mike has been with Magnolia Hospitality Group since 2013.

Toni Richardson
Regional Sales Director
Toni has over 25 years experience as an outstanding sales and marketing professional.She spent the last 10 years cultivating her PR experience. Toni holds certifications from IHG, Florida Rest. & Lodging, Southern Public Relation Federation, Emerald Coast Public Relations Organization along with leadership, training and sales accomplishments. Toni manages sales, marketing, and public relations.

Sheela Ayyaru
Human Resources & Administration
A graduate in Management from Stamford College in Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia. Sheela has been with Magnolia Hospitality Group since 2015.